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meandmom | Don't take yourself too seriouslyLife is full of ups and downs. Try to keep a positive outlook to stay happy! |
Jourdyn Kelly (Edwards Photography)Having fun at the photo shoot. | I write because...It's the only way to keep the people in my head happy. |
Jourdyn KellyJust me | Jourdyn Kelly (Edwards Photography)Photo shoots are not my thing |
Jourdyn Kelly (Edwards Photography)And, yet I did a couple. | Jourdyn KellyWhen your bestie is a photographer... |
Jourdyn Kelly (Edwards Photography)1 million photos to find 5 or so I like. ;) | Jourdyn Kelly (Edwards Photography)Colorful |
Jourdyn Kelly (Edwards Photography)Be happy | Jourdyn KellyRare selfie |
Me as Anala GeilI dressed as my character from my Destined Series one Halloween. | ZombieJKDressed up to perform the Thriller dance on a recent cruise. |
Why I am a triathleteI tri for my mom who is battling Alzheimer's | The BooksMy books |
The DogsJayden, Aggie, Pooka, Finn, & Luci | The CatsKMart, Hiro, & Kenzi |
The DragonMushu | The AxolotlAngel |
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